Dogwood, mowing. leaves and chard

A busy Monday afternoon...

Four colours of dogwood (cornus), waiting to be sorted...

Four colours of dogwood (cornus), waiting to be sorted...

More dogwood, stripped and sorted

More dogwood, stripped and sorted

We noticed the Open Spaces staff were pruning the coloured dogwood in the park and before it was carted off to the other side of town we rescued some - and then pruned a bit more ourselves with secateurs (with their permission). It needs to be sorted and matured, or what you make with it just shrinks and gets loose. We have at least two ideas for using it in the garden though.

'First cut of the season' - some new paths being established and old ones re-discovered.

'First cut of the season' - some new paths being established and old ones re-discovered.

We also borrowed an allotment mower and gave the areas that will be paths in the green area a haircut. It now looks much better we think and not bad for a first cut in some areas that were just flower meadow last year, which shows how much grass there is to out compete any seeds we sow this year.

Delicious whitebeam leaves...

Delicious whitebeam leaves...

We almost filled the second leaf bin with just leaves from near the native hedge - and more to rake up still. A great feeling of promise of good leaf mould to come.

Tiny little chard plants between the recently planted broad beans

Tiny little chard plants between the recently planted broad beans

And we had a donation of some over-wintered chard plants. They were just a thought away from the compost bin so we decided to give them a second chance between the broad bean seeds. We are very compassionate gardeners...