Moving and handling - picnic bench arrives

Photo taken on the following Sunday when it was much drier and we had mown the grass

Photo taken on the following Sunday when it was much drier and we had mown the grass

Spent some hours this morning filling a huge Council trailer with waste wood from the bowling green ditches and also one of the old benches. Who needs gym membership?

There is still a way to go but we are steadily getting there. We will move the rest, when the contractors are ready to remove the other bench in preparation for the new path.

The best part was making space for a picnic bench, with an 'overhang' for wheelchairs or buggies - this was purchased earlier by the Council. This isn't in its final position, but hopefully will be well used until the contractors come to make a larger 'pad' for it, probably in line with the central path in the green area too, and hopefully in June/July.

We also found a source of some free materials within the Council offices and even donations from their staff, which will reduce the total spend under the S106 project. It is the sustainable way to do things too.